About America First Cigar
Where Every Draw Celebrates the American Spirit
Our Journey Begins: America First Cigar was born from a deep-rooted love for cigars and country. Our founders, passionate patriots and cigar aficionados, envisioned a cigar brand that goes beyond just taste; one that embodies the American values of freedom, strength, and unity. Thus, America First Cigar came to life, a testament to our nation's resilience and tradition.
Our Cigars: At the heart of our brand lies our exceptional cigar range. Our flagship, the Liberty Blend, is as bold and robust as the principles we stand for, offering a unique blend that invigorates and inspires. The diverse Cigar Collection, featuring carefully selected tobaccos, presents a palette of flavors that celebrates America's rich cultural tapestry. Each cigar is a taste of the homeland, a reminder of what we cherish and strive to protect.
Sourcing with Integrity: We are committed to ethically and sustainably sourcing our tobaccos. Our partnerships with farmers ensure not only the finest quality but also adherence to practices that respect the earth and its people. We believe in cigars that not only taste good but also do good.
Community and Giving Back: America First Cigar is more than a cigar company; we're a community of individuals united by love for our nation. A significant portion of our proceeds is dedicated to supporting selected charities, focusing on veterans, first responders, and initiatives that strengthen community bonds. Our commitment to the nation goes beyond words; it's woven into every aspect of our business.
Hearing from Our Customers: The voices of our customers resonate deeply with us. From veterans who find comfort in our cigars to families who share our cigars at gatherings, each story is a thread in the fabric of America First Cigar. These testimonials are not just feedback; they're the heartbeat of our community.
Looking Ahead: As we look to the future, America First Cigar aims to expand its reach, bringing our unique cigars to more Americans while upholding our core values. We envision a future where every cigar we offer strengthens the bond within our community, celebrates our nation's diversity, and contributes to the causes that matter.
Join Our Journey: We invite you to be part of our story. With every draw of America First Cigar, you're not just enjoying a cigar; you're making a statement of pride, unity, and unwavering love for our great nation.
America First Cigar - Uniting Cigar Lovers Under One Flag